Monday, April 2, 2007

Day 3- GO Measure Practical Economy (Criteria)

Hi again,

I liked the acronym you used to help us remember the 4 important points of criteria of sampling design. "GO Measure Practical Economy"

GO- Goal Orientation

A research study is aimed at a particular goal and has a set of objectives to help reach that goal. To achieve this goal a good sample has to be selected that is accessable and that represents the population (or in case of the researchers discretion may not represent the population). Samples are of different kinds (sampling design). To be able to choose the one design/strategy that best suits the research problem is important. Hence one criteria of sampling design is to be oriented towards the goal of the study.


Sample size is important such that the results should be measureable.


The selection of a particular sample design should be practical in relation to the research study. Depending on the length of the study, the sample should be chosen on its representativeness and accessability (ref to previous 2 posts) There maybe more than one sample designs that maybe suitable to the study. Hence along with the other criterias, its practicality should be considered.


The last but definietely not the least, the economical criteria. The funds available for the research study is an important concern for the researcher. Keeping this in mind the researcher must carefully select a sample, if need be a few research assistants depending on the length of the study.

Following these criterian carefully the researcher will be able to conduct a practical study resulting in reliable outcomes.

(i hope im on the right track, although i was initially confused about the measurability criteria. Do correct me if im wrong.)

Ref: Day 3- Criteria of sampling design


Hemangi said...

I think you're absolutely on track with the criteria.
What you could add to your measurability criteria is that "Sample size is important such that the results should be measureable and be applicable to the entire population"
More details coming up in my latest post.
all in all comprehensive

Hemangi said...

It's also nice to see that you relate to the practicality criteria with our earlier topics, accessibility and representativeness.
Accessibility plays a major role in the sampling design being actually executable in reality