Monday, April 2, 2007

Day 2- Accessibility of a sample


I have read the post on accessiblity of a sample. I have also referred to the Url that you suggested. Great resource.

3 examples where a researcher might have a problem accessing a sample are:

1. Sensitivity : If a researcher is conducting a study on breast cancer of new mothers and its impact level on child care/feeding. The accessibility to those mothers with breast cancer may be available but because of the trauma and the overwhelming factor of the cancer and being a sensitive issue, those mothers may not be willing to be part of the study.

2. Timing is everything: The sample participants may not have the time to participate in the study, although they are willing to be part of the study ex: lawyers, policemen, journalists etc.

3. Permission: If a sensitive study on a rape victim or child molesting was the topic of research, accessibility to that sample may be a problem as many parents or local guardians may not give permission to those victims who have been under such an ordeal. So not only is it a sensitive issue but a sensitive issue to the fact of being socially and morally disturbing. or

If a study were in the corporate field where certain information were to be disclosed about a new product for the study, companies (sample) may not have the time, may not authorise the persons in charge to be part of the study or may simply treat this as a sensitive issue.

Hence its agreed upon that amongst other factors, accessibility of a sample is important and should be thought of prior to the commencement of the study.

Ref: Day 2-Accessibility of a sample

1 comment:

Hemangi said...

Apt examples, its nice that you put them in particular heads.